Friday, January 22, 2010


Its very funny how we humans are always so contradicting. When we are not sure of something, we can really die to find the answer, but usually after we do, we would have wished that we never found out. When you've found the truth, you don't know what to do, and would tend to seek advices some how or rather to help solve the issue, but yet, don't listen to what people have said. I've sorta talked about this in my last post. So yea, will stop the crap shit now.

Have you ever believe in your own instincts? Acted just based on your instincts? Is it really true that a woman's sixth sense is always very accurate? Well, I guessed mine is almost 80 per cent accurate. Do instincts go wrong? Have you ever thought that, sometimes, instincts could just be moment of say...... jumping into conclusions? Have you ever acted upon anything just based on your instincts and then realised that it was all just a mere moment of acting upon rashness?

Its really very hard to actually be analytical in relationships, its after all not mathematics and you can't just calculate all the possibilities using statistics ya know? Things are after all much much more complicated in real life. If only, in love and life, its just as simple as 1+1=2.

Many people always say, there is no right or wrong in relationships. Is that really true? If you happen to have a cheating spouse, is it your fault that your spouse is cheating on you? Is it because you're not able to maintain your physical outlook, the love, and the sparks in the relationship? I know it always takes 2 hands to clap, but its really so complicated and contradicting. Many things are really un-explainable.

I've actually decided to hope for the best, and be prepared for the worst. But I guess, in our lives, nothing is so bad that you'll need to actually be thinking that you're so bad, so bad that nobody loves you, or thinking that you'll be better off dead since you can't find your true love, or the person you love doesn't loves you back, or getting rejected by some one you're going after, or losing your job. There are so many people out there in the world, dying from hunger, poor living conditions, compared to us, being able to live in a part of the world, that's got no natural disasters, nice and stable houses to live in, a much safer country compared to the rest, what else can we possibly ask for?

Living in self denial, torturing your own mind, doing things you've never done and hate to do, to harm your health, is really very stupid. Making your loved ones worry about you, is really not one should do. We only deserve to be love, if we could just love ourselves more first. Life is really short, we don't now what's gonna happen the next second, minute, hour, day, weeks, months, years. Why not spend each day happily, plan short term goals, rather than spending your days, thinking of things that has already happened, and living in self pity. Life is really too short to waste. There is nothing that can make you think that its the end of the world, or your world is collapsing just because you've lost someone or something, because, there are so many people out there who are fighting to survive, so we should cherish our lives so as to show respect and gratitude to your parents who gave us our life.

Like my classmate said to me, "welcome to auntyhood" =)

Maybe I should change my blog's name to Confessions of a Moody Shopaholic Aunty. LOL.

*Roars* I'm so addicted to L4D. So much! AHHHHH!!! Gui lai liao ah! Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom!

Time for bed, good nite world.

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