Thursday, March 18, 2010

Title-less post.

My mind is blank. And truly, there hasn't been any difference, whether I'm occupied or not, I still think god damn a lot. No matter how busy I am, or how much things I've to think about, my mind still naturally sways to a part that is non relevant, and I'll start brainstorming on that.

It sucks you know? So much.

And best part is, I'm selfish, I don't wish to share with anyone. Some things can be shared and some things, not. There is way too much in me. Too much secrets in me, and I'm drowning in them. I really wished, I could just go away for awhile. Just that little while.

There are a thousand and one things I want to do, need to do, and know I should do. But, everything is all so messed up right now, and I feel lost, and I don't know how to walk on anymore.

I miss baby boy so much, so much. He's my angel, the only one, who keeps me all calm and cool. And I love him so much.

The emotions in me are so much, and I just, feel like crying out loud.

I don't see myself, as someone important, neither do I feel that, I am important.

Blah blah blah blah blah!

All the nonsense in me is out.

Good night.

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